We're in Livingston, Texas at the Escapee's RV Park. Founded in 1978, the Escapee's RV Club is a advocacy and support group for full time travelers. They have grown over the years and have RV parks in Florida, Alabama, Missouri,Tennessee, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California, Oregon and Washington. The Parks offer reduced price parking, activities and other amenities in a "no-frills or rustic" atmosphere. The organization also operates the largest mail forwarding service in the US.
We're here for several reasons: First off, last July I needed to select a location from where we would fly back to Long Island at Christmas to see the Grandkids. Airline prices were going up and I wanted to try and get the best price. After much thought we selected Houston as a probable location and I booked tickets to LI on Southwest. Secondly, my brother's daughter is getting married on December 27th in Fairfax, Virginia. After Christmas we'll drive down to the wedding and fly back to Houston from Dulles airport in Washington, DC.
Right after the New Year, we'll head west. Not sure where, but hopefully someplace warmer than here. Temps today, BTW is 45 degrees.
More to come..............
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